Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Animal poems slides

By Dayton👌👍 

Sunday, June 27, 2021


This is my collage that I have been working on for two weeks and now I am finally finished.


Sunday, June 13, 2021


DLO about moas  

W.A.L.T Create our own DLOs about things.

For the past four weeks, I have been making a DLO about Moas.

I have enjoyed finding all of the answers for the Moa DLO.

I found finding the answers to the questions challenging.

Next time I will improve on making my DLO and I will work harder to finish it. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Professor Gargamals Experiment

Professor Gargamal had been locked away in his laboratory for days now, barely even stopping to eat, sleep or drink.

He rested his left arm on the dusty pile of books scattered across his desk, and with his right hand, he gently flicked the conical flask in front of him. The red and orange liquid inside coughed and sputtered as heat from the Bunsen burner excited it from below.

Professor Gargamal wiped his weary eyes; only the excitement of finally finishing the potion kept him awake. Just a few more hours, and then the potion will be ready to use. The day has gone by and the Professor didn’t go anywhere; he just waited and waited until the potion of swiftness and strength was ready to use. Boom, Kaplow the potion fell out of the bottle. TO BE CONTINUED

Septone Poems


Haiku Poems


Acrostic Poem

Dabbles in diligence

Apples are my favorite fruit

Yells a lot in class/class time

Talks a lot to my friends

Organized all of the time

Niko is my Best friend