Sunday, September 13, 2020

Power of words

 W.A.L.T Be smart if something happens online and you do not like it

For this task, we had to write about S.T.O.P meaning step away from the device, tell a trusted adult, okay sites only, pause, and think.


  1. Hello Dayton it's me Dakota. I like your post about "Power of words". Next time we do a cyber smart activity maybe you could write more information about how you made it, what app you made it on and who you made it with. Keep up the great work!

  2. Malo e lelei Dayton,
    The part that stood out was your STOP poster, it is nice an colourful and easy to read and understand. When I read your post I learnt strategies that can help you use to be smart online. To improve, you could add a blurb about what you found easy/hard and your favourite part. Keep up the good work Dayton!
